Cutting down on costs in high spend areas of your business, like food and labor, is an important focus for you. Your financial stability can be severely impacted without detailed insight into your staff’s total hours or when you are ordering too much of inventory. Understanding the relevance of these costs and how you can use this information can help you run a more profitable business. NCR offers a web-based back office suite of inventory and labor focused tools with one goal: to help you save money. Increased visibility of real time food costs, pinpointing unnecessary spending and optimizing scheduling are just a few components that help you cut costs and gain greater control with less work.
Complex scheduling, employee data management, and payroll reporting can be a lot to manage if it’s not all easily accessible from one location. NCR offers a solution where you can centrally manage your labor data and employee information.
Our inventory management functionality enables you to track sales, inventory, purchases and other expenses, as well as predict your theoretical usage and food cost. The solution also supports contract pricing, streamlines communication with suppliers and provides accurate forecasting tools to predict future sales, product mixes and guest counts. Popular reports include: